magicjack google voice calls calling how do can I to

How can I place Google Voice calls?

Here are some simple instructions for placing outgoing calls using the Google Voice network and the Magicfeatures' Automated Extension Number Dialing feature. Your Google Voice number will show up as the caller id.

The required Magicfeatures Plugin can be downloaded at .

Google Voice Account Settings
1. Login to your Google Voice account.
2. Add your magicJack phone number to the account AND under the Advanced Settings for that phone number set "Voice Mail Access/Yes/Pin Not Required"

Magicfeatures Settings
1. You MUST have Magicfeatures Release 1.06 (or higher) installed.
2. Open the Magicfeatures Feature Dashboard.
3. Set Speed Dial number 48 to the following:

XXXXXXXXXXX,2 (where XXXXXXXXXX is your Google Voice Number)

How to Place Google Voice Calls
1. Dial 48 (i.e. GV on your phone keypad)
2. Within a few seconds you will hear a prompt asking you to enter the phone number you wish to call.
3. When prompted, follow the instructions and enter the full 10 digit phone number you wish to call followed by the pound "#" key (i.e. 2025551212#).